Saturday, January 30, 2010

To ship or not to ship?

This one little question is driving me crazy. Shipping my stuff to Pittsburgh saves us a heap of money in furnishing our new apartment. We'd have a bed, couch, all the kitchen gadgets, plates, forks, and knives we could ever want, not to mention all the little touches of home. The price to ship the stuff isn't too bad, especially compared to renting a uhaul and truckin it' cross country...but not shipping and just buying the basics (a bed, mostly, and maybe some plates) until we have some more money gives us cash to get cars right away. I'm so worried about finding a decent car loan and would much rather prefer to buy an old used car than some overpriced new thing thats just going to go all rusty and salty from the pittsburgh freeways anyways! Why does money have to be so complicated?

1 comment:

  1. Dunno where you're planning to work, but if you live in Squirrel Hill you have easy walking access to all the necessities of life and good transit access to many employment centers, especially downtown. You don't particularly need a car here unless you work in Cranberry or some godforsaken place like that.
